Required Documents
Name of Company:- Triveni Overseas Concern Pvt Ltd.
Recruiting License No. 341/059/060,
Company Registrar's Reg. No: 21011/59.
Pan No:-301133267
Mail:[email protected]
Mail:[email protected]
Hotline: +977-1-4387602, 4387603,
Mobile: 9841996571/72/73
Address: Triveni Building - Ring Road,Basundhara-03, Kathmandu,Nepal
Requirement of documents vary from country to country. Requirement of documents also depend on whether the embassy of manpower importing country has a diplomatic mission in Nepal or not. Basically, we demand two types of documents before making a final deal for sending workers in overseas. We follow the in-detail government provisions to avoid unnecessary hassles to the workers.
Makes sure that every procedure is clearly updated with required formalities. AS we know today is the age of digital era, but still values of documents is going on. Though we are updating and maintaining digital as well as paper documentation as per the requirements. Proper maintenance of source documentation is a key and often overlooked factor to ensure proper and accurate system. Additionally, source documents are the evidence that provide information needed further to function efficiently. Though we keep record for those documents which are essential and needed. As per the country’s rules and regulation documents formalities also differ. Please go through the links for more details.
Principle Documents:
For Middle East & Others:
- Demand Letter
- Employment Contract
- Business Agreement
- Power of Attorney
- Letter of Guarantee
Middle-East-Sample Documents (Please click here)
For Malaysia:
- KDN Approval/ Calling Visa/ Extension Approvals
- English Translation of Originals of No. 1
- Demand Letter
- Employment Contract
- Power of Attorney
- Affidavit/Sworn Statement of Service
- Agency Agreements
- Notification letter to the Embassy of Malaysia in Kathmandu
- Letter of Undertaking to the Department of Labour, Nepal
- Commitment Letter for bearing service Charge
- Authorization Letter from Company for signing the document and NRIC
- Photostat of Director/ Signatory.
- Company’s Memorandum & Articles of Association
- [Form 49 – Register of Company Directors or
Form 24 – Return of Allotment of Shares or
Form 9 – Company Registration Certificate (SSM)]
- [Form 49 – Register of Company Directors or
- Company’s Profile and Brochures
- Photographs of Working Area, Canteen, Hostel, etc
- Other Relevant Information
Malaysia-Sample Documents (Pease click here)
For updated and detail information, you also can log into Nepal Embassy, Kuala Lumpur’s website at www.nepalembassykl.gov.np
For Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
In case of Block Visa issued for Nepal, the company should prepare all below mentioned principle documents authorized to Triveni Overseas Concern Pvt. Ltd. Lic. No. 341/059/060, which is recognized Nepalese agent by the embassy of the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, located in Kathmandu Nepal.
We prefer Nepal for Visa Endorsement because we have our own ID card through which we can endorse the visa on time.
- Electronic Authorization Letter: The employing company has to write a letter according to visa approval slip to the electronic Authorization Office or Embassy for visa endorsement of the workers.
- Visa Slip (Copy): The original visa slip is required in case of Block Visa. However, the photocopies of Block Visa are acceptable in case of multiple Block Visa.
- Company Registration(C.R)/one photocopy only:
In case of Block Visa issued for nearest embassies-Delhi and Mumbai , India, the employing company should prepare all following documents in the name of Triveni Overseas Concern Pvt. Ltd. Lic. No. 341/059/060.
We do not prefer these places for visa endorsement because we have to reply on Indian agencies. Documents from A.1 to A.5 should be same as above. But the following documents should be in the name of associate office recommended by of Triveni Overseas Concern Pvt. Ltd. Lic. No. 341/059/060.
- Electronic Authorization Letter
- CR Copy (Company Registration Copy)
- Visa Approval Slip
B. For Other Countries:
The documents mentioned above A.1 and A.5 should be signed by company authorized person and bear company seal. The documents A.1 and A.2 must be duly sealed and attested by Chamber of Commerce and Ministry of Foreign Affairs from the respective country.